Comite de Defensa del Trabajador – Worker Defense Committee

Big victory for the CDT
April 12, 2010, 4:40 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

In late March, after a long negotiation and threats of further action, the CDT claimed $17,000 in owed overtime wages for two committee members.  The boss, Larry K of Great American Bagels, admits that he hasn’t paid any of his employees overtime wages at any point over the last five years.  He blames a clerical error and has promised that he will make good and pay all of the workers at Great American Bagels what they are owed.

Want to make sure that Larry K makes good on his word?  Call Great American Bagels at 206.763.4300 and ask him yourself!

“accused deadbeat bosses on notice”
April 11, 2010, 12:33 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

In January 2010, a CDT fight against an unlicensed contractor made local news.

This fight is ongoing


cdt going public
April 11, 2010, 12:20 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

In late October 2009, two CDT fights were covered on national TV.

Wage Theft in the News – Cobertura de los medios de comunicación sobre el robo de salario
September 9, 2009, 2:30 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

The press has started to pick up on wage theft.

The New York Times says:

Low-Wage Workers Are Often Cheated (eng)

NPR covers the great work of the New Orleans Workers’ Congress:

A Day’s Work Doesn’t Mean a Day’s Pay (eng)

The Southern Povertly Law Center highlights violations of Latin@ worker rights in the South US:

Under Seige: Life for Low-Income Latin@s in the South (eng)

The National Employment Law Project (NELP) has put out some interesting studies on the matter:

Broken Laws, Unprotected Workers: Violation of Employment and Labor Laws in America’s Cities (eng)

Confronting the Gloves-off Economy: America’s Broken Labor Standards and How to Fix Them (eng)

and Chris Benoit and his committee in El Paso are letting us know that wage theft crosses borders:

Empleadas domésticas preparan demandas (esp)

un mensaje de trabajador p
May 13, 2009, 12:51 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Primero tratamos de negociar con él. Lo hicimos firmar unas formas de pago, nos convenció que nos iba a pagar a las fechas que nosotr@s le pusimos. No cumplió con el trato que habiamos hecho. Despues fuimos a su casa para buscarlo y hablamos con él de porque no había cumplido con los terminos. Nos respondió que no nos iba a pagar y nos corrió de su casa. Entonces, nosotr@s paramos e involucramos dos abogad@s. Durante seis meses, entonces dejamos de tener comunicación con el patron porque creíam os que l@s abogad@s resolverian el caso pero dijeron que no podian cobrar dinero de una persona que no tenía dinero.

Entonces me había dado porvencido y perdido mi caso. Yo quería declarar mi caso cerrado. Pero con el gran apoyo del Comite de Defensa del Trabajador entonces yo les sugerí al grupo tomar unas ultimas acciones para ver si pudiermos hacer algo más. Entonces investigamos otra vez información de su domicilio fuimos a buscarlo. Y despues fue el grupo con pancartas y volantes y hablamos con el vencendario que ellos supieran que el no me ha pagado meses atraz. Entonces él, tratando de defenderse, llamando la policia, pero como estabamos en nuestros derechos, nos quedamos en el lugar para seguir exigiendo. Entonces al ver que el no pudo hacer nada, y con la verguenza tan grande, el dicidio hablar con nosotros ese dia. Despues no quiso negociar con nosotr@s. Despues regresamos al otro día y como vió que no podía con nosotr@s, decidió negociar. Acceptó que me debía toda la cantidad que estaba cobrando. Acordamos que si él pagaba, no volveriamos a molestar. Entonces le parecio bien y me dió una parte ese dia. El puso otra fecha para el siguiente pago y ya ha cumplido.


We started the case by negotiating with the boss. We had him sign a payment plan and he assured us he was going to pay me my wages by the dates he agreed to. He didn’t comply with the terms of the agreement that we had made. After that, we went to his house to look for him and talk to him because he hadn’t complied with the agreement. At his house, he told us that he wasn’t going to pay me and then he told us to get off his property. We didn’t talk to the boss for six months because we had referred the case to two separate attorneys and we thought that they would claim the money. After all that time, the lawyers said that they couldn’t do anything because they couldn’t get money from someone who doesn’t have any money.

I almost gave up my case because I thought there was no way we could get my wages. I wanted to close the case completely. But, with the support of the Worker Defense Committee, I decided to propose to the group that we make one last attempt at claiming the wages, just to see if we couldn’t do something about getting me my wags. We got more information about the boss and then went to look for the boss. We went as a group with picket signs and flyers and talked to all his neighbors to let them know that their neighbor hadn’t paid me six months before. When my ex-boss saw what we were doing, he called the police, but because we knew our rights, we stayed in front of his house, claiming my unpaid wages. Once he saw he couldn’t do anything, and with the shame that we had made him feel, he decided to talk with us, although he refused to negotiate with us. We came back the next day and when he saw that he couldn’t avoid us, he decided to negotiate. He agreed that he owed me all of my wages. We assured him that once he paid me, we wouldn’t bother him again. That sounded good to him so he paid me part of my wages that night. We set another date for the second payment, which he also made good on.

CDT acciones abril 09 031

trabajador p, entrando a la casa del patrón para negociar, despues de la segunda acción que hizo el cdt

Success! – Homeowner held responsible for Worker’s Unpaid Wages
April 4, 2009, 12:35 am
Filed under: acciones | Tags:

Hoy día, un compañero recuperó $700 de su sueldo no pagado. Recuperamos el dinero de un dueño de la propiedad donde hizo el trabajo, usando la herramienta de un embargo legal. El trabajador llegó al CDT entre 90 días de cuando terminó de trabajar y pusimos embargos en las dos propiedades donde estaba trabajando y tambien empezamos de cobrar el dinero del patrón. Uno de los dueños decidió de pagar casí inmediatamente porque quería vender la propiedad y no pudo con un embargo. Seguimos cobrando todo el dinero del patrón y del dueño de la otra propiedad.

OJO! Si eres un/a trabajador/a y tu patrón te debe dinero, ven entre 90 días al CDT para poner embargos sobre los terrenos donde estaban trabajando. Bajo la ley, los dueños tienen la ultima responsabilidad de pagar a l@s emplead@s…pero solamente si l@s emplead@s empiezen de cobrar el dinero entre 90 días del ultimo día de trabajo. Es una herramienta tan fuerte que tenemos — no la pierdan!


Today, a worker claimed $700 in unpaid wages. We claimed the wages from the owner of one of the properties where the worker was working, using a mechanic’s lien. The worker came to the Worker Defense Committee within 90 days of his last day of work and because of this we were able to put liens on the two properties where he was working.  One of the bosses paid the owed wages almost immediately, because he couldn’t sell his property with a lien on it.  The wage claim isn’t over: we will continue to claim the worker’s wages from his boss, as well as the other landowner.

IMPORTANT! If you’re a worker and your boss owes you money, come to the Worker Defense Committee withint 90 days of your last day of work to put liens on the properties where you were working. Under the law, the owners of the properties where you were working have ultimate responsibility to make sure that all people who are working on their property get paid…but only if the workers begin the wage claim process within 90 days of their last day worked. The mechanic’s lien is a powerful tool — don’t lose your chance to use it!

Over $18,000 worth of tools reclaimed in Issaquah – 3.20.2009
March 22, 2009, 12:45 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

En febrero, un mecanico salió del trabajo. Su patrón supo negó de regresar las herramientas del trabajador (que valen más que $19,000). También, negó de dar al trabajador su ultimo cheque. Cuando el trabajador regresó al taller del patrón una semana despues de cuando salió para cobrar el dinero y llevar sus herramientas, el patrón llamó al alguacil y el alguacil le dió un ticket para allanamiento. El trabajador pensó que nunca iba a ver sus herramientas jamas, porque el patrón dijo que iba a llamar a la migra si regresaría.

El trabajador llegó al CDT hace dos semanas, porque quería hacer una estrategía de reclamar sus herramientas, sin usar la policia. Negociamos con el patrón y él aprobó que iba a regresar todas las herramientas y el pago. En los días antes de nuestra visita, el patrón amenazó al trabajador varias veces, a veces usando otros empleados, y dijo que iba a llamar a la migra si el CDT viniera. A pesar de las amenazas, el trabajador quiso seguir con el plan de reclamar lo que le debía.

Despues de una llamada al patrón y una visita a su oficina, donde reiteramos que pasaría si el no regresaría todas las herramientas, el patrón decidió de pagar al trabajador todo lo que le debí y de devolver las herramientas. Despues de una hora de trabajo duro, en la lluvia dura de la primavera, el trabajador salió del lugar con mas que 1000 libras de herramientas y su cheque final.


In February, an auto body mechanic quit his job. His boss, knowing that he was losing a good worker, refused to return the worker’s tools (worth over $19,000) to him. He also refused to give the worker his final pay check. When the worker returned to the boss’s house a week after quitting, in an attempt to claim his tools, the boss called the sheriff and had the worker trespassed from his property. The worker thought his tools were lost to him, as the employer refused to talk to him and threatened to call ICE if the worker returned to his property.

The worker came to the Worker Defense Committee two weeks ago, hoping to figure out a way to claim his tools without having to tangle more with cops. We negotiated with the employer and got him to agree to surrender the tools he was holding hostage. In the days leading up to our visit to Issaquah, in a move both unsportsmanlike and illegal, the employer made a number of calls to the worker, threatening that, if the worker or the Worker Defense Committee were to show up at his shop, the boss would call ICE. Despite the employer’s efforts to intimidate the worker, the worker decided to continue with the plan to go to the boss’s house and reclaim what was owed him.

After a call to the boss and a visit to his office, where we let the employer know what he could look forward to if he continued with his refusal to give the worker what he was owed, the boss agreed to pay the worker his final pay check, and to return to the worker his tools. An hour later, in the hard spring rain, the worker drove away with more than 1000 pounds of equipment and his final paycheck.

Ongoing Labor Dispute
March 6, 2009, 2:22 am
Filed under: acciones, información utíl

Meet Worker J.

J worked as a painter for a Kirkland-based contractor. Working for the contractor was never fun: the contractor would bully home owners and would scream insults and threats at J. Still, figured J, a paycheck is a paycheck, and an abusive worksite is better than no worksite at all.

After working for two weeks with the contractor, J was given a check for his hours. J was asked to wait for two weeks before depositing the check, as the contractor was a little short on funds. J understood, being short on money himself, so held off on depositing the check. When he tried to cash the check, he found that the check had been canceled.

When J tried to clear up the matter with his boss, the boss avoided the issue, offering instead to hire J for another project. Upon the completion of this project, J was given another check and was again asked to wait for a period before cashing the check. Fearing the worst, J made copies of both checks that he had been given, and went to the bank. His fears were realized: the second check had been cancelled.

J went immediately to the Worker Defense Committee with copies of checks in hand. We sprung into action because J was still within the deadline for filing a lien on the properties where he had worked. With a lien, a worker is much more likely to be able to claim the wages owed him, because it holds that the owner of the property where the work was performed has ultimate responsibility for all those laboring on the property. This is great news for employees of fly-by-night contractors, whose bosses are working without bonds and can easily evade responsibility for the wages they owe. Workers only have 90 days from the last day they worked to file a lien, so if you haven’t been paid for work that you’ve done, don’t wait!

The boss was unwilling to talk with J, going so far as to say that he didn’t owe J any money. When we asked him about the existence of the two cancelled checks with his signature on them, he mumbled something about, “mmmm….dunno…..police…..mmmm….donnbotherme…” and hung up the phone. J, working with the Worker Defense Committee, decided to initiate a public campagin, in an attempt to bring the boss to the table.

At the Worker Defense Committee, we believe that we are not simply claiming unpaid wages, but are working to claim the respect that we deserve, the respect that we have earned through our labors. When we gather together in front of a boss’s house, we reclaim the power that the boss has stolen from us, we retake control of the situation.

March 6, 2009, 1:53 am
Filed under: acciones | Tags: ,

What can you do when your employer doesn’t pay you? What can you do when your employer denies that you worked the hours that you worked, or claims that you didn’t work for them at all? What can you do when you realize that your boss isn’t interested in paying you, but instead wants to treat you like a slave?

Meet Worker P.

He had to ask himself all of these questions after working as a dishwasher at Sorrentino, a Seattle-area iItalian restaurant, for a month. After unsuccessfully trying to claim wages owed him, he decided to come to the Worker Defense Committee and see what could be accomplished with the efforts of many.

P worked at Sorrentino as a dishwasher, oftentimes working over 12 hours a day in the back of the restaurant. He wasn’t given an orientation to his work — he wasn’t even told how much he was going to be paid!

After working two weeks, P submitted the hours that he worked to the owners of Sorrentino. The owners issued a personal check to P, a check that even at the minimum wage rate did not cover the full number of hours worked. Despite this, P continued to work for Sorrentino for another pay period, but when it became clear to him that he was not going to get paid the amount of money he was owed, he quit,

P tried to claim his wages from the owners of the restaurant, to no avail. He came to the Worker Defense Committee in hopes that we could facilitate a negotiation with Sorrentino. Oh, how we tried! Champion Promotora C tried sweet talk, tried reason, tried strong armming the management and managed to bring the owners of the restaurant to the table. Time after time, we met with the owners. Time after time, the owners came up with trumped-up reasons why they were unwilling to pay.

After months of dogged pursuit of P’s earned wages, the committee decided to take the campaign to the streets. We started by passing out flyers in front of the restaurant and then turned to picketing in front of the business. Despite angry words and threats of retaliation from the restaurant management, we stayed strong.

In the end, the management decided to try to win us over, even going as far as offering us steaming hot plates of food! We turned our backs on the offer: we were there for P’s wages, not for greasy bribes!

After two weeks of picketing, resulting in a spontaneous near-boycott of the restaurant, the owners of Sorrentino suddenly remembered that they owed P money. They contacted the Worker Defense Committee and made an offer, which P accepted.

Congratulations to Worker P and all committee members and allies who were involved in these actions!

Want to find out more about businesses who have cheated their workers?  Want to find out more about our cases?  Check out our Employer Black List.

Somos pocos, pero locos
March 5, 2009, 11:31 pm
Filed under: información utíl

The Worker Defense Committee/Comité de Defensa del Trabajador is comprised of Seattle- area immigrant workers, allies, students, and activists, all working together to fight for our rights. We work in committee to improve the situation of workers living and working in King County, Washington.

Together, we work to

  • claim unpaid wages
  • improve workplace safety
  • build awareness of workers’ rights and what to do to protect ourselves

To accomplish our goals, we:

  • wage public campaigns
  • submit complaints to Labor&Industries
  • refer cases to attorneys

Want to get involved? Have questions about the program? Contact


El Comité de Defensa del Trabajador consiste de migrantes, aliad@s, estudiantes y activistas de Seattle, luchando para que nadie los violarán a nuestros derechos. Junt@s, luchamos para mejorar las vidas de trabajador@s viviendo y trabajando en el condado King.


  • Hacemos reclamos para salarios no pagados
  • mejoramos la seguridad de sitios de trabajo
  • creamos conciencia sobre los derechos laborales y como podemos proteger a nosotros mismos

Para lograr nuestras metas, utilizamos:

  • campañas publicas
  • quejas a labor e industrias
  • referencias a abogad@s

Tiene un caso? Quiere involucrarse en nuestro comité? Mande un correo a